In the story of Sagar Manthan, it was on this day that Lord Dhanvantari appeared with the nectar urn from the churning ocean. Along with him, jewellery and precious gems also emerged from the ocean. Since then this day was named ‘Dhanteras’ and the tradition of buying utensils and jewellery started.
Ayurvedic vaidyas (doctors) consider Lord Dhanwantri as the Father of Ayurveda-the bestower of health and celebrate this day as his birthday. They distribute neem leaves and mishri (candy sugar) as prasad to visitors.
Dhan also means Wealth. Undoubtedly, Dhanteras is also very important for businessmen, traders and merchants. Goddess Lakshmi along with Lord Kubera (God of wealth) is worshipped on this day.
Dhanteras is also known as the day of “Yama Deep Daan”. Lord Yama (God of Death) is worshipped on this day to provide prosperity and well-being to all and to avert untimely death. Lord Kuber is generally worshipped through the medium of Kuber Yantra.
Thank you for this special enlighten on Dhanteres…🙏🙏🙏
Than you for the elaborative information. Really helpful.