Sade Sati is one of the most feared phenomena in Astrology. As the name suggests, it means a period of Seven-and-a-Half years – synonymous with sufferings, losses, separations and miseries. But very few people understand what it exactly means and even fewer know that it may not always be so dreadful after all!
What is Sade Sati?
In the Vedic system of Astrology, the Moon sign (Chandra Rashi) holds a very important place in making predictions, especially the Gochara (Transit) predictions. The planets keep changing position w.r.t. the Earth. This change in position is termed as Gochara Positions. Saturn transits each house for around 2.5 years. Thus, Saturn takes a total of seven and a half years period to transit the 12th, 1st and 2nd house of your Moon Rashi. Hence the name ‘SADE SATI‘.
To understand this, you need to know your Moon Rashi i.e. the sign Moon occupies in your Birth Horoscope. Suppose your Moon is in Sagittarius/Number 9 in your Birth horoscope, then you are born in Dhanu Rashi. So, when Saturn transits Vrishchik (Scorpio), Dhanu (Sagittarius) and Makar (Capricorn) Rashis or Numbers 8, 9 and 10 in your horoscope, then you are under the influence of Sade Sati.

To understand this, you need to know your Moon Rashi i.e. the sign in which your Moon is placed in your Birth Horoscope. Suppose your Moon is placed in Sagittarius/Number 9 in your Birth horoscope, then you are born in Dhanu Rashi. So, when Saturn transits Vrishchik (Scorpio), Dhanu (Sagittarius), and Makar (Capricorn) Rashis or Numbers 8, 9, and 10 in your horoscope, then you are under the influence of Sade Saati.
Why is Sade Sati so dreaded?

For this, you need to understand the relationship between Moon and Saturn. While the Moon is the quickest moving planet (in astrology, the Moon is a planet ‘Graha’); Saturn is the slowest moving planet. The Moon is a natural benefic while Saturn is a natural malefic. While the Moon represents the emotional side Saturn represents the practical and rational side. Moon is moist, fluid and constantly moving energy; while Saturn is cold, dry and slow-moving. So whenever Moon and Saturn form any relation, it is one of conflict and disturbance. One often becomes very moody, melancholic, emotional, and even depressed in this period. One feels lonely, unsupported and left alone.
Reality Check:
Of course, the period of Sade Sati is not smooth sailing as can be seen from the above explanation. However, much of the fear and panic that exists among people is either due to their own ignorance or vested interests. How the Sade Sati will affect you depends upon many factors such as positions, strengths, degrees, and conjunctions/aspects of Moon and Saturn. Also remember, truth is relative here – it varies by your perception too.
I have come across people who dreaded the Sade Sati to such an extent that they saw even routine problems as dreadful just for the reason that they were undergoing the period of Sade Sati!
In general, Sade Sati affects Capricorn/Makar & Aquarius/Kumbh signs the least and Leo/Simha signs the most – but again many other factors will have to be considered.

Remember that SATURN is a great TASKMASTER and a supreme JUDGE. You can consider your Sade Sati as the AUDIT PERIOD of your deeds (Karma). Saturn just gives you what you deserve and also makes you pay for your wrongs. Conversely, you shall be suitably rewarded too if you have a good karmic record. A person may pass through hell during Sade Sati but always emerges a refined, wiser, and enlightened soul that has gone through the testing fires. It teaches us that nothing is permanent in this world.
Remedies/Upaaye for Sade Sati:
MOST IMPORTANT REMEDY: Don’t be angry/abusive/vindictive/revengeful / grumbling. (Yes, some people complain and announce to all who can hear that they are passing through the period of Sade Sati).
Don’t take any decision in haste or alone. It’s better to seek some expert advice from impartial persons in matters of importance.
Donation – Donate old clothes, food, useful iron articles, and your used footwear to needy people, labourers, sweepers, etc. Donate warm blankets to old/homeless/handicapped people.
Keep away from alcoholic drinks. (You need to be in your senses to face this period of trial)
Very effective Remedy – Recite Hanuman Chalisa daily. People reciting 100 times a day have experienced miraculous results. Reciting the Maha Mrutunjaya mantra is also very effective.

Meditation is another very strong remedy during Sade Sati. Retrospection and repentance along with prayers go a long way in mitigating the harsh effects. You need to have LOTS & LOTS OF PATIENCE.
Seven-faced Rudraksha is a very effective remedy during Sade Sati.
Shani Beeja Mantra: ‘Om Sham Shaneeshcharaaya Namaha’.

Warning: Avoid wearing rings of any gems or metal without first consulting a knowledgeable astrologer.
To know more about Sade Sati, its effects on you as per your Kundli (birth horoscope), and the individual remedies, order your customized Sade Sati Report here.
Hello, For those guys afflicted with Sade Sati time, many advise an iron ring made, either out of the Horse Shoe, preferably from the feet of the Black Colored Horse, have it made from it, a ring to be worn. I would like your feedback please.
During Sade Sathi times there will be no money even to buy any of the metal rings or gems, so have avoided all these leading a simple contended life. Please do come back on this.