Pathogens cause infectious diseases such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites. Viral infections are responsible for outbreaks that have epidemic and pandemic potential. Since the past 3 decades, many infectious diseases have been discovered, including SARS, MERS, Ebola, chikungunya, yellow fever, swine flu, Zika, etc. Most of the recent viruses attack the respiratory system. Coronavirus or COVID-19 too is a virus affecting the nose, sinus and upper throat.


- Rahu and Ketu are Karakas for epidemics and viral infections. Rahu creates an imbalance in the Vata/Air element resulting in respiratory diseases. It also is responsible for epidemics/pandemics. In particular, Rahu in Gemini sign indicates infection related to the respiratory system, nerves, skin, etc. Ketu too is responsible for fevers, bacterial and viral diseases and the spread of epidemics/pandemics. Ketu also indicates isolation – detaching oneself from others.
- Another planet that is responsible for the unstoppable spread of infections is Jupiter.
- A weak Saturn in the horoscope makes the person susceptible to contact diseases.
- Whenever transiting Saturn aspects/conjuncts Rahu/Ketu, there is a danger of the spread of infectious disease or epidemic.
- Relation between Saturn and Ketu or Saturn and Pluto can cause chronic, long-term, degenerative diseases. Moreover, it may result in severe deficiency of Vitamin C and/or Vitamin K.
- Mercury is the karaka of the chest, nervous system and respiratory system. Whenever Mercury or Gemini/Sagittarius signs or 3rd/9th houses are afflicted, the infection is most likely to affect the respiratory system.
- Include more red, yellow, and blue-coloured foods in your diet.
- Avoid food cooked in oil. Boiled or steamed food is the best. Also, avoid all non-vegetarian foods.
- Drink boiled water stored in a copper vessel.
- Have more garlic; it increases your immunity.
- The herb Giloy or Guduchi is extremely effective in case of fevers and infections. It works both as a preventive and curative remedy besides acting as an immunity booster. You can take ½ teaspoon of Giloy churn mixed with a teaspoon of honey or drink it with lukewarm water.
- Boil 5 Tulsi (basil) leaves, 4 whole black peppercorns, 3 cloves and 1 teaspoonful of freshly grated ginger in a glass of water till the water reduces to half. Filter and add a teaspoonful of honey. Have it warm.
- Add ¼ teaspoonful of turmeric/haldi powder and a pinch of ashwagandha powder in a glass of warm milk. Drink it every night.
- Light camphor and Frankincense/Loban at least twice a day to keep away germs.
- Regularly worship Lord Ganesh and offer him Durva grass every Tuesday and Wednesday.
- Feed home-cooked bread (roti) to stray dogs and crows.
- Refrain from gambling, alcohol, immoral activities – especially if you are running Saturn or Ketu Dasha.
- Clean all openings of the body very well.
- If the infection is due to afflicted Saturn then you should do Chhaya Daan. Take sesame or mustard oil in a small vessel. See your reflection in it and then keep this vessel along with the oil in a Shani temple. Some needy person may take it.
- If you have already contracted some infection, then do this remedy. Dip a heated pure gold ring (without any gem) or a gold string in hot milk for few minutes. Then drink that milk when it is still lukewarm.

- Recite one rosary of the following mantra for 180 days daily, It is effective in warding off or overcoming serious and chronic infections:

- Chanting of Ketu Mantra 17000 times in 40 days:
॥ॐ स्रां स्रीं स्रौं सः केतवे नमः॥ – ॥Om Sraam Sreem Sraum Sah: Ketwe Namaha॥
- Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is very powerful in overcoming health problems. It has the power to heal even the seemingly impossible to cure diseases.
Those who are not able to recite the above Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra due to any reason may recite the following laghu (shorter version) Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra: “Aum Joom Sah Mam (Name of the person) Palay Palay Sah Joom Aum”

- One can perform a small havan/yagya at home using mango/neem twigs, cow dung and havan samagri. Also add some jaggery, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves, neem leaves and turmeric to it. You can do havan every fortnight.
- Do pranayama daily for at least 20 minutes.
- Boiled neem leaves work as an excellent sanitiser. Wash your hands with this as often as possible.
The purpose of this article is to provide you complimentary holistic remedies for your health problems. This is, in no manner, a substitute for medical treatment. Please do consult and follow qualified doctor’s advice for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disease/s.